국제자원활동 보고서

News clipping #2 14-20 May 2009, Dili Weekly

Keep Dili clean

To keep the environment fresh and clean in order to avoid the spread of malaria, President Jose Ramos-Horta has appealed to all shops and restaurants in Dili to keep the city tidy.

The president made the remarks at a clean-up day held in Lecidere last Friday.

“if there are any restaurants and shops that do not keep the city of Dili clean then they will have to pay compensation of about $1 million to make up for them throwing their rubbish all over the place,” he said.

If rubbish is strewn all over the city then it will impact people’s health and increase the spread of malaria. Therefore, people must consider not leaving their rubbish everywhere, added the president.

Ramos-Horta called on the people of Dili to not discard their trash all over the place and for all government staff to join in the action and help collect trash once a week.

The president also urged the Dili District Administrator and members of civil society to make an effort to keep pigs, dogs and goats off the streets.

Animal owners should build a fenced enclosure for their animals to live in because Dili has become a city crowded with creatures, he said, adding that unattended animals will be slaughtered by security and distributed to orphanages and hospitals.

Armando Baros, owner of Padang Restaurant, said that he will be complying with the order from the president as from now on there will be a rubbish box in every restaurant, while trash will be collected and left outside the front of the city’s eateries.

Baros said he received information from the Sanitation Department about not throwing rubbish all over the place and therefore he will follow the order, starting immediately.

Regarding animals being “snatched” from the streets by security, Dili Administrator Ruben Braz de Carvalho said, “I keep appealing to the community, but if they do not care then we will still carry on with snatching the animals.”

The program will continue until Dili is clean of animals.

-       Idalina Amelia, Judita Cruz / The Dili Weekly


Dili is now beautiful

Dili has now turned into a beautiful city where children and youths can enjoy public places that are there for them to meet and play in, said Intra structure Minister Pedro Lay at May 5 Park, which was previously used as a camp for internally displaced persons.

“This new park shows a significant sign that the government is putting a lot of focus on developing activities and attractiveness in order to contribute to peace and overall development,” he said.

The 12,000-square-metre park was inaugurated recently after being rehabilitated by Indonesian company Diamond Sea Development with a budget of $300,000, he added.

“The budget for the reconstruction of this park was 100% from that company, so we have to express out special thanks to Diamond Sea Development, who offered this great gift to make Dili a beautiful place,” he said.

Company director Hendra Hidayat said that the rehabilitation of the park began in August last year and was completed in April.

The government will now use the park as a facility where all children can play, as well as a place for Timorese people to play sport, he added.

“The objective of reconstructing this park is simply to assist the process of development in Timor-Leste, to increase people’s incomes and to open up the job market for people,” he said.

President Jose Ramos-Horta also expressed his gratitude to the company for offering the park to the children of this country.

Meanwhile, Hercules do Rosario, who is also part of Diamond Sea Development, said that he was happy to contribute to the development process in Timor-Leste as he believes that Timor-Leste belongs to the people.

Do Rosario was at one time a Timorese citizens, but has since become Indonesian.

The company also has plans to build a hotel in Timor-Leste, but they will wait for laws regarding land and property to be established.

“Development going on at the moment should not push people backwards,” said do Rosario.

-       Judita da Cruz / The Dili Weekly



지난 달 독립기념일이 있던 주의 금요일 조세 라무스 호르타 대통령은 더 이상 위생문제로 발생하는 질병들이 발생하지 않길 희망하며, 유행처럼 번지는 말라리아를 저지하기 위해 ‘Clean-up Day’를 만들었습니다.

21세기의 신생국가로 수 많은 인터내셔널 NGO의 원조를 받아 정부를 운영하고 있는 동티모르.

하나의 국가가 아닌, 지역자치구라는 표현에 더 가까울 정도로 국민 모두가 화합하고 함께 일을 도모하는 모습입니다.

독립기념일 당시부터 매주 금요일이면 딜리 시내의 모든 건물주는 청소를 합니다. 어느 누구보다 대학교 학생들이 주도해서 거리를 청소하고 쓰레기를 소각하는 모습이 인상적이었습니다. 저도 UNDIL의 친구들을 도우며 매일 깨끗해지는 거리를 바라봅니다..



딜리 시 중심에는 매년 international NGO 단체들의 캠프가 있던 공원이 있습니다. 작년부터 공원조성을 위해 바리케이드가 쳐져 있었는데, 지난 달 시민들에게 그 모습이 공개되었습니다. 동티모르 출신의 한 인도네시아 기업가가 투자해 만들어진 이 공원은 밤에도 그 환한 불을 비추며 현지 가족들의 나들이 터가 되고 있습니다.


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