Northern mountain areas hit by Big Freeze
Extra budget allowance requested for blankets and warm clothes
Khajohn Boonpath
In Mae Hong Son, 4 districts have been declared disaster areas after the mean temperature fell below 15 degrees Celsius for 3 full days and nights. Approximately 120,000 residents are suffering from the cold, with the local administration organizations providing blankets to only 70,000.
'매홍손' 4번째 지역인 Khajohn Boonpath 에 3일연속으로 섭씨 15도 이하의 살인적인 기온으로 떨어지면서 재해,재난 지역으로 공표되었다.
120,000 거주자들이 추위로 인해 고통을 당하고 지방 행정기구들은 담요 70.000개를 공급하였다.
The governor of the province has requested a budget allocation from the Mae Hong Son Disaster Prevention and Relief Office in order to be able to supply the remaining 50,000 residents with blankets. Meanwhile, the governor, with the local Red Cross, Tambon Pangmoo’s administrative organization and the Disaster Prevention and Relief Office, presented blankets and warm clothes to 115 households at Baan Pakha-lo.
지방정부는 '매홍쏜' 재해예방과 구호본부에 남은 50,000담요를 거주자들에게 공급하기 위해 예산을 요청했다.
동시에 적십자 관리자 Tambon Pangmoo 는 재해예방과 구조본부를 조직해서 따뜻한 옷과 담요를 Baan Pakha-lo 지역 115가구에게 공급하였다.